Simple blog post

This entry uses iframe for embedding e.g., a form


December 16, 2024

The following is an example of a simple .qmd file with some embedded form that can be used as a blog post or a contact page

author: "FirstName LastName"
title: "Title of this page"
date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
description: "Short description of this page"
categories: "Category X"
        self-contained: false # needed if there is going to be an embedded form

![](imagefilename.png) <!-- image must be placed in the same folder as the index.qmd--!>

# Section title
## Subsection title
Normal text 
*Text in italics* 
**Text in bold** 

A list with bullets 

 - Bullet point 1 
 - Bullet point 2 

[A link title](

<iframe width="640px" height="480px" src="URL-to-your-form"> </iframe> 
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