Metadata: making JSON files

In this use case we read the JSON fields from a table and create JSON files with generic and file-specific information


F. Garassino

Center for Reproducible Science, UZH

G.Fraga Gonzalez

Center for Reproducible Science, UZH


December 16, 2024

1. Creating JSON files from a metadata table

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create simple human and machine-readable metadata files in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON files consist of fields of key-value pairs. These are sidecar metadata files, that is, they accompany a separate source data file and provide essential information about the data.

JSON metadata files differ from structured metadata files (i.e., tables) because of their machine-readability. While structured metadata files may contain human-only readable columns (e.g., “comment” columns with free-text notes), JSON files should not. However, they can have more details than the metadata tables.

Making JSON files

Good editors with a graphical interface are available online to read and write JSON files. We recommend the following:

However, we recommend creating JSON files with a script and not manually to save time and prevent data entry errors. We will demonstrate how in this tutorial.

1.1 Setting the stage for this tutorial

Here, we will work with an example situation derived from an imaging experiment. We will automate the creation of a JSON file from a metadata table containing image file names and locations, as well as information about the images (e.g., subject ID, subject sex, condition in which the subject was observed, treatment the subject received).

Requirements for creating the JSON files

  • Metadata table, containing the name of the reference images and metadata. If relying entirely on the metadata on these tables (provided they have sufficient information) we do not require access to the actual files.

  • Potentially, additional table(s) with JSON fields. The JSON files will therefore have additional information not found in the metadata table.

  • Description of filenaming convention, codebook (i.e., ?), and glossary of abbreviations used in the metadata table

  • The jsonlite R package, used to write the JSON string

  • Naturally, some R code

1.2 Let’s get to work!

Let’s assume a relatively common structure for the dummy dataset we’ll be using for this tutorial:

#| eval: false
experiment_results   # The base folder of our dataset
├── ...   # Folder(s) with other kinds of data
└── imaging   # The folder containing the imaging data
      ├── ...
      └── subject_n   # Each measured subject has a folder
            └── subject_n_imgfile.tiff  # The image file


The code we provide will parse a dummy metadata table to create one JSON file for each row of the table, which describes one data file (in this case, an image). Our script thus will generate companion files for all image files, as necessary for machine readability.

Machine readability

As we are automating a task, it’s essential that our metadata table is formatted to be machine readable. This means that when preparing the table one should have paid attention to (among others) avoiding blank rows, if possible avoiding empty cells, using only the first row for header information (i.e. variable names).

Futhermore, the metadata table should be part of a spreadsheet also containing a codebook explaining what each variable is. The number of variables (= the number of columns) and their names in the metadata tables should be the same in the codebook.

For further information on readability of spreadsheets, see the Six tips for better spreadsheets by J.M. Perkel .

# these packages are required for correct functioning of the tutorial

library("dplyr") # data operations
library("kableExtra") # for rendering of tables in HTML or PDF

First of all, let’s create a simple dummy (or toy) metadata table:

n_rows = 30 # defining how many rows (in this case, how many study "subjects") we want in the table

metadata <- tibble(id = paste("subject", sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), sep = "_"), 
                   # this simply creates "subject_n" entries with n from 1 to n_rows
                   img_location = paste("experiment_results/imaging/subject_",sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), "/subject_", sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), "_imgfile.tiff", sep = ""),
                   sex = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("male", "female"), size=1), simplify = T),
                   # this and following lines will randomly fill a column with attributes chosen between a set of options (in this case, "male" or "female")
                   condition = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("A", "B"), size=1), simplify = T),
                   treatment = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("control", "treat_1", "treat_2", "treat_3"), size=1), simplify = T)

Let’s take a look:

id img_location sex condition treatment
subject_01 experiment_results/imaging/subject_01/subject_01_imgfile.tiff male A treat_1
subject_02 experiment_results/imaging/subject_02/subject_02_imgfile.tiff female B treat_1
subject_03 experiment_results/imaging/subject_03/subject_03_imgfile.tiff male A treat_3
subject_04 experiment_results/imaging/subject_04/subject_04_imgfile.tiff female B treat_3
subject_05 experiment_results/imaging/subject_05/subject_05_imgfile.tiff female A treat_1
subject_06 experiment_results/imaging/subject_06/subject_06_imgfile.tiff male B treat_3
subject_07 experiment_results/imaging/subject_07/subject_07_imgfile.tiff female B control
subject_08 experiment_results/imaging/subject_08/subject_08_imgfile.tiff male A control
subject_09 experiment_results/imaging/subject_09/subject_09_imgfile.tiff female B treat_3
subject_10 experiment_results/imaging/subject_10/subject_10_imgfile.tiff female B control
subject_11 experiment_results/imaging/subject_11/subject_11_imgfile.tiff male A control
subject_12 experiment_results/imaging/subject_12/subject_12_imgfile.tiff female A treat_3
subject_13 experiment_results/imaging/subject_13/subject_13_imgfile.tiff male B treat_1
subject_14 experiment_results/imaging/subject_14/subject_14_imgfile.tiff female A treat_3
subject_15 experiment_results/imaging/subject_15/subject_15_imgfile.tiff female A treat_1
subject_16 experiment_results/imaging/subject_16/subject_16_imgfile.tiff female B treat_2
subject_17 experiment_results/imaging/subject_17/subject_17_imgfile.tiff male A treat_3
subject_18 experiment_results/imaging/subject_18/subject_18_imgfile.tiff female A control
subject_19 experiment_results/imaging/subject_19/subject_19_imgfile.tiff female B control
subject_20 experiment_results/imaging/subject_20/subject_20_imgfile.tiff male B treat_2
subject_21 experiment_results/imaging/subject_21/subject_21_imgfile.tiff male A treat_2
subject_22 experiment_results/imaging/subject_22/subject_22_imgfile.tiff male B treat_1
subject_23 experiment_results/imaging/subject_23/subject_23_imgfile.tiff male A control
subject_24 experiment_results/imaging/subject_24/subject_24_imgfile.tiff male A treat_3
subject_25 experiment_results/imaging/subject_25/subject_25_imgfile.tiff male B treat_1
subject_26 experiment_results/imaging/subject_26/subject_26_imgfile.tiff female A treat_2
subject_27 experiment_results/imaging/subject_27/subject_27_imgfile.tiff male A control
subject_28 experiment_results/imaging/subject_28/subject_28_imgfile.tiff female B treat_1
subject_29 experiment_results/imaging/subject_29/subject_29_imgfile.tiff male A control
subject_30 experiment_results/imaging/subject_30/subject_30_imgfile.tiff male A treat_2

Now, let’s make the corresponding JSON files. For readability purposes, here we use a for loop to iterate over the lines of the metadata table. This solution can be very slow when dealing with large metadata tables, so below we will illustrate an alternative, faster solution.


saveoutput <- F # set to TRUE or T to automate JSON saving

for (i in 1:nrow(metadata)) {
  # Create JSON for current row
  row_metadata <- metadata %>% 
  json_metadata <- toJSON(row_metadata, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE )
  if (saveoutput) {
    # create the output path for the JSON
    json_path  <- row_metadata %>% 
      pull(img_location) %>%  # this will give us the full path to the image
      str_replace(., ".tiff", ".json") # and this will remove the filename
    # write JSON file to appropriate location if triggered  
    write(json_metadata, file = json_path)
    print(paste0("Wrote ", json_path))

The code snippet you just saw includes the possibility to save the generated JSON files into the folders containing image files mentioned in the img_location column of the metadata table. If you want to use this functionality during your execution, simply change the saveoutput variable to TRUE or T.

The toJSON function of jsonlite will convert anything in a table (in our case, a single row of the metadata table) into an R character vector of length 1, i.e. containing a single string. This one string is formatted according to the JSON format specifications. Here’s how one of our JSON looks like:

    "id": "subject_30",
    "img_location": "experiment_results/imaging/subject_30/subject_30_imgfile.tiff",
    "sex": "male",
    "condition": "A",
    "treatment": "treat_2"

Notice that the file starts with a [ and ends with a ]. The content of a row of the metadata table is delimited by {}. This delimited field contains column_name:value pairs in separate lines (separated by a newline, \n). Therefore, we could say that toJSON “expands” the row of the metadata table into a list describing each of its cells.

And just like that, you’ve created your first JSON files. Congratulations!

1.3 Code

This is all the code that you’ll need to execute what we talked about in this tutorial’s section, grouped in one place.

n_rows = 30 # defining how many rows (in this case, how many study "subjects") we want in the table

metadata <- tibble(id = paste("subject", sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), sep = "_"), 
                   # this simply creates "subject_n" entries with n from 1 to n_rows
                   img_location = paste("experiment_results/imaging/subject_",sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), "/subject_", sprintf("%02d", 1:n_rows), "_imgfile.tiff", sep = ""),
                   sex = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("male", "female"), size=1), simplify = T),
                   # this and following lines will randomly fill a column with attributes chosen between a set of options (in this case, "male" or "female")
                   condition = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("A", "B"), size=1), simplify = T),
                   treatment = replicate(n_rows, sample(c("control", "treat_1", "treat_2", "treat_3"), size=1), simplify = T)


saveoutput <- F # set to TRUE or T to automate JSON saving

for (i in 1:nrow(metadata)) {
  # Create JSON for current row
  row_metadata <- metadata %>% 
  json_metadata <- toJSON(row_metadata, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE )
  if (saveoutput) {
    # create the output path for the JSON
    json_path  <- row_metadata %>% 
      pull(img_location) %>%  # this will give us the full path to the image
      str_replace(., ".tiff", ".json") # and this will remove the filename
    # write JSON file to appropriate location if triggered  
    write(json_metadata, file = json_path)
    print(paste0("Wrote ", json_path))

2. Creating JSON files with a metadata table and information from additional files

The example above was about the simplest possible situation you might encounter when creating JSON files. A more realistic situation you could encounter is that in which you have created a metadata table, but want to create JSON files combining its information with that present in other files.

2.1 Setting the stage for this tutorial

In this part of the tutorial, we will create a script that allows you to customise the JSON-making process by editing a table that is used to specify which fields will be included in the JSON files. The information for these fields will be extracted from both the metadata table and the file names of the data files:

2.2 Requirements for creating the JSON files

  • A .csv-format table specifying JSON keys (e.g., “FacilityName”, “GenusSpecies” ) and their values (e.g., “My_Lab” “Mus_Musculus”) that apply to all data files;

??(If a value is blank it will be filled by information in the file name or table with subject information (see below))

  • A collection of data files, with a subject ID encoded in their file name;

  • A metadata table with information on study subjects (e.g., sex, body weight) that can be added to the JSON file that will accompany each data file;

  • The jsonlite R package, used to write the JSON strings;

  • Naturally, some R code.

Metadata tables’ file formats

Metadata tables should be prepared during data collection, or after it in edge cases, in a spreadsheet, and can be saved in different file formats (e.g., .csv or Excel .xlsx). For the sake of interoperability, the .csv file format is preferred.

2.3 Let’s get to work

This example will revolve around a dummy data set, meaning that the JSON fields and metadata have no real-life meaning. Let’s imagine that this dummy data set contains microscopy images of plant tissues.

Let’s assume a structure for the dummy dataset that is different than what we described before, and that is more common in research:

#| eval: false
experiment_results   # The base folder of our dataset
├── metadata.csv # metadata table with information on study subjects
├── ...   # Folder(s) with other kinds of data
└── imaging   # The folder containing the imaging data
      ├── ...
      └── subject_n_imgfile.tiff  # All image files are collected in a single folder


In this example, we have a metadata.csv table in the dataset base folder that contains one row per file present in the imaging sub-folder. Each row can contain the path to the imaging file and information on the study subject the file was derived from. Therefore, each row can contain both file- and experimental subject-specific information.

We will now create a dummy dataset following the structure we just reviewed, so that we can illustrate reading/writing automation as well.

Let’s start by creating the dummy experimental dataset:

# we need to create a "tutorial" folder to organise input and output files
dataset_dir <- file.path("./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results") # will work on every OS
if (!dir.exists(dataset_dir)) {
  dir.create(dataset_dir, recursive = T)

# then, let's define how many study "subjects" we want in this example
n_subjects = 10 

# just to make things more interesting, let's come up with random subject IDs
subj_nrs <- sample(sprintf("%02d",c(1:100)), n_subjects, replace = FALSE)

# according to the dataset structure we defined above, we need to create an "imaging" folder
imaging_dir <- file.path(paste0(dataset_dir, "/imaging")) 
if (!dir.exists(imaging_dir)) {

# we will now create dummy data files, in this case dummy .tiff files, in the imaging folder

tiff_paths <- c()

for (n in subj_nrs) {
  # subject_dir <- file.path(paste0(imaging_dir, "/subject_", n))
  # dir.create(subject_dir)

  tiff_path <- file.path(paste0(imaging_dir, "/subject_", n, "_imgfile.tiff"))
  tiff_paths <- append(tiff_paths, tiff_path)

# let's not forget about creating a metadata table!

# this simply creates "subject_n" entries with n from subj_nrs
  id = paste("subject", subj_nrs, sep = "_"), 
# this creates a column with paths to image files
  img_location = tiff_paths, # in this way, each file path is referred to the location of metadata.csv
# this and following lines will randomly fill a column with attributes chosen between a set of options (in the first case, "male" or "female")
  sex = replicate(n_subjects, sample(c("male", "female"), size=1), simplify = T),
  condition = replicate(n_subjects, sample(c("A", "B"), size=1), simplify = T),
  treatment = replicate(n_subjects, sample(c("control", "treat_1", "treat_2", "treat_3"), size=1), simplify = T)
) %>% 
# create the file
  write_csv(., file = file.path(dataset_dir, "dummyExp_metadata.csv"))

# and lastly, let's create the table with user-defined JSON fields
json_section = c("info", "info", "info", "instrument", "instrument", "instrument", "img_processing",  "img_processing", "img_processing"),
variable_name = c("lab_name", "plant_species", "tissue_type", "microscope_model", "magnification", "filter", "binning", "masking", "counting"),
variable_description = c("location of sample analysis", NA, NA, "brand and model", NA, "name of filter applied", "was binning employed?", "employed masking approach", "employed counting algorithm"),
variable_type = c("string", "string", "string", "string", "numeric", "alphanumeric", "boolean", "string", "string"),
variable_values = c("labA", "Populus trichocarpa", "Shoot apical meristem", "brandX ABCmicro", 30, "filterA123", F, "methodX", "algoY")
) %>% 
  write_csv(., file = file.path(dataset_dir, "dummyExp_JSON_fields.csv"))

Having created the dummy dataset, we can now move to the “operational” part of the tutorial, in which we’ll work as if the dataset was real and we did not just create it. First, let’s import the metadata table and the table with user-defined JSON fields:

# Read table with user-defined JSON fields 
json_fields <- read_csv(file.path(dataset_dir,'dummyExp_JSON_fields.csv'))

# Read table with subject information
subj_info <- read_csv(file.path(dataset_dir,'dummyExp_metadata.csv'))

2.3.1 Retrieving the subject IDs from imaging files

If our metadata table does not contain the location of each imaging file, we can always use the file names of the (dummy) images to retrieve it (let’s just make sure that we match the locations with subject IDs):

# Let's list all image files present in "imaging"
img_files <- list.files(file.path(dataset_dir,'imaging'),
                        full.names = TRUE, # retrieves complete paths relative to the working directory
                    pattern = ".tiff") # this will make list.files only list files with the ".tiff" suffix

# We'll then make a table out of them
files_tib <- tibble(path = img_files)

# We can use the fact that each image file name contains the subject ID to match file names and subject IDs in files_tib
files_tib <- files_tib %>% 
  mutate(fname = stringr::str_split_i(path, "/", -1)) %>% # split each "path" field at "/", take the last element only (so, the file name)
  mutate(subject = stringr::str_split_i(fname, "_img", 1))  %>% # split each "fname" field at "_img", take the first element only (so, the subject ID)
  select(!path) # this last line can be removed if the fil paths are not specified in the metadata table

2.3.2 Checking the input tables

Before we proceed with creating JSON files, let’s take a look at the various tables we will use.

json_section variable_name variable_description variable_type variable_values
info lab_name location of sample analysis string labA
info plant_species NA string Populus trichocarpa
info tissue_type NA string Shoot apical meristem
instrument microscope_model brand and model string brandX ABCmicro
instrument magnification NA numeric 30
instrument filter name of filter applied alphanumeric filterA123
img_processing binning was binning employed? boolean FALSE
img_processing masking employed masking approach string methodX
img_processing counting employed counting algorithm string algoY
id img_location sex condition treatment
subject_43 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_43_imgfile.tiff female A treat_3
subject_60 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_60_imgfile.tiff female A treat_2
subject_74 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_74_imgfile.tiff female B treat_2
subject_29 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_29_imgfile.tiff female A treat_1
subject_86 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_86_imgfile.tiff male B treat_1
subject_97 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_97_imgfile.tiff male A treat_2
subject_67 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_67_imgfile.tiff female B treat_2
subject_47 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_47_imgfile.tiff male B control
subject_62 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_62_imgfile.tiff male B control
subject_25 ./Tutorial_Metadata_JSON/experiment_results/imaging/subject_25_imgfile.tiff male B treat_3
fname subject
subject_1_imgfile.tiff subject_1
subject_10_imgfile.tiff subject_10
subject_100_imgfile.tiff subject_100
subject_12_imgfile.tiff subject_12
subject_13_imgfile.tiff subject_13
subject_14_imgfile.tiff subject_14
subject_16_imgfile.tiff subject_16
subject_17_imgfile.tiff subject_17
subject_18_imgfile.tiff subject_18
subject_2_imgfile.tiff subject_2
subject_20_imgfile.tiff subject_20
subject_21_imgfile.tiff subject_21
subject_24_imgfile.tiff subject_24
subject_25_imgfile.tiff subject_25
subject_27_imgfile.tiff subject_27
subject_28_imgfile.tiff subject_28
subject_29_imgfile.tiff subject_29
subject_31_imgfile.tiff subject_31
subject_32_imgfile.tiff subject_32
subject_34_imgfile.tiff subject_34
subject_35_imgfile.tiff subject_35
subject_38_imgfile.tiff subject_38
subject_39_imgfile.tiff subject_39
subject_40_imgfile.tiff subject_40
subject_41_imgfile.tiff subject_41
subject_43_imgfile.tiff subject_43
subject_45_imgfile.tiff subject_45
subject_46_imgfile.tiff subject_46
subject_47_imgfile.tiff subject_47
subject_48_imgfile.tiff subject_48
subject_49_imgfile.tiff subject_49
subject_5_imgfile.tiff subject_5
subject_51_imgfile.tiff subject_51
subject_52_imgfile.tiff subject_52
subject_53_imgfile.tiff subject_53
subject_55_imgfile.tiff subject_55
subject_56_imgfile.tiff subject_56
subject_58_imgfile.tiff subject_58
subject_59_imgfile.tiff subject_59
subject_60_imgfile.tiff subject_60
subject_62_imgfile.tiff subject_62
subject_63_imgfile.tiff subject_63
subject_66_imgfile.tiff subject_66
subject_67_imgfile.tiff subject_67
subject_69_imgfile.tiff subject_69
subject_70_imgfile.tiff subject_70
subject_71_imgfile.tiff subject_71
subject_72_imgfile.tiff subject_72
subject_73_imgfile.tiff subject_73
subject_74_imgfile.tiff subject_74
subject_75_imgfile.tiff subject_75
subject_76_imgfile.tiff subject_76
subject_78_imgfile.tiff subject_78
subject_79_imgfile.tiff subject_79
subject_81_imgfile.tiff subject_81
subject_82_imgfile.tiff subject_82
subject_83_imgfile.tiff subject_83
subject_85_imgfile.tiff subject_85
subject_86_imgfile.tiff subject_86
subject_87_imgfile.tiff subject_87
subject_88_imgfile.tiff subject_88
subject_89_imgfile.tiff subject_89
subject_9_imgfile.tiff subject_9
subject_90_imgfile.tiff subject_90
subject_91_imgfile.tiff subject_91
subject_93_imgfile.tiff subject_93
subject_95_imgfile.tiff subject_95
subject_96_imgfile.tiff subject_96
subject_97_imgfile.tiff subject_97
subject_98_imgfile.tiff subject_98
subject_99_imgfile.tiff subject_99

The json_fields table we created contains the column variable_name that contains what will be the key, and the column variable_values which contains what will be the values in the JSON file. The other columns are not necessary for this example, but can help the users when specifying the content of their JSON files.

??The entries in permissible_values will be filled with file-specific information.

Naming and contents of columns

The names of the json_fields columns are arbitrary and you can define any other name. It is important to note the format of the values (e.g., numeric, alphanumeric or strings). The values can also be arrays, e.g. [1,2,3]. Note that a JSON file can have a more hierarchical structure, with keys and sub-keys, but we will keep things simple for this example.

2.3.3 Creating the JSON files

First, we’ll need to convert the human-readable json_fields table specifying the JSON fields into a suitable format for jsonlite::toJSON():

# Preserve the order of the field names as in the table
ordered_fieldnames <- factor(json_fields$variable_name, levels = json_fields$variable_name) 

# Transform table into a list. Each element is a field name with its value(s)
json_data <- lapply(split(json_fields$variable_values, ordered_fieldnames), as.character)
Key-value pairs formats

You’ll notice that the second line of code we just looked applies the as.character() function to each key-value pair we created from json_fields. This will keep everything consistent in the resulting JSON files, but jsonlite can handle multiple data types, such as dates, integer and real numbers, and more.

We now can loop over the image files and create a JSON file for each of them. Besides the information we provided with the [...]_JSON_fields.csv file (which will be the same for each JSON), we can add image-specific information to each file. We will retrieve this information from the metadata table.

# Join tables with filen ames and subject information by subject ID
metadata <- dplyr::full_join(x=files_tib, y=subj_info, by=join_by('subject'=='id'), keep=FALSE)

# write JSON files 
saveoutput <- T
for (i in 1:nrow(files_tib)) {
  # Complete Fields with info From table 
  json_data$subjectID = metadata$subject[i]
  json_data$sex = metadata$sex[i]
  json_data$condition = metadata$condition[i]
  json_data$treatment = metadata$treatment[i]
  # Convert the list to a JSON string
  json_string <- toJSON(json_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  # Save the JSON string to a file
  if (saveoutput) {
    output_fname <- gsub('\\.\\D+$','.json',metadata$img_location[i]) # rename input file
    write(json_string, file.path(output_fname))  
    print(paste0("Wrote ", file.path(output_fname)))
  # clean json 
  rm (json_string)

2.3.4 Output Examples

The jsonlite package offers several encoding formatting options. You can check out all of them online, and here are we illustrate the most relevant formatting possibilities:

  1. The pretty option of the toJSON function controls the appearance of the JSON output by adding indentation if set to TRUE.
print(toJSON(json_data, pretty = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE))
{"lab_name":"labA","plant_species":"Populus trichocarpa","tissue_type":"Shoot apical meristem","microscope_model":"brandX ABCmicro","magnification":"30","filter":"filterA123","binning":"FALSE","masking":"methodX","counting":"algoY","subjectID":"subject_99","sex":null,"condition":null,"treatment":null} 
print(toJSON(json_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE))
  "lab_name": "labA",
  "plant_species": "Populus trichocarpa",
  "tissue_type": "Shoot apical meristem",
  "microscope_model": "brandX ABCmicro",
  "magnification": "30",
  "filter": "filterA123",
  "binning": "FALSE",
  "masking": "methodX",
  "counting": "algoY",
  "subjectID": "subject_99",
  "sex": null,
  "condition": null,
  "treatment": null
  1. The auto_unbox option of the toJSON function, when set to TRUE, ensures that items that are not part of lists are displayed correctly.
print(toJSON(json_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = FALSE))
  "lab_name": ["labA"],
  "plant_species": ["Populus trichocarpa"],
  "tissue_type": ["Shoot apical meristem"],
  "microscope_model": ["brandX ABCmicro"],
  "magnification": ["30"],
  "filter": ["filterA123"],
  "binning": ["FALSE"],
  "masking": ["methodX"],
  "counting": ["algoY"],
  "subjectID": ["subject_99"],
  "sex": [null],
  "condition": [null],
  "treatment": [null]
print(toJSON(json_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE))
  "lab_name": "labA",
  "plant_species": "Populus trichocarpa",
  "tissue_type": "Shoot apical meristem",
  "microscope_model": "brandX ABCmicro",
  "magnification": "30",
  "filter": "filterA123",
  "binning": "FALSE",
  "masking": "methodX",
  "counting": "algoY",
  "subjectID": "subject_99",
  "sex": null,
  "condition": null,
  "treatment": null

2.4 Code

This is all the code that you’ll need to execute what we talked about in this tutorial’s section, grouped in one place.

# Read table with user-defined JSON fields 
json_fields <- read_csv(file.path(dataset_dir,'dummyExp_JSON_fields.csv'))

# Read table with subject information
subj_info <- read_csv(file.path(dataset_dir,'dummyExp_metadata.csv'))

# Let's list all image files present in "imaging"
img_files <- list.files(file.path(dataset_dir,'imaging'),
                        full.names = TRUE, # retrieves complete paths relative to the working directory
                    pattern = ".tiff") # this will make list.files only list files with the ".tiff" suffix

# We'll then make a table out of them
files_tib <- tibble(path = img_files)

# We can use the fact that each image file name contains the subject ID to match file names and subject IDs in files_tib
files_tib <- files_tib %>% 
  mutate(fname = stringr::str_split_i(path, "/", -1)) %>% # split each "path" field at "/", take the last element only (so, the file name)
  mutate(subject = stringr::str_split_i(fname, "_img", 1))  %>% # split each "fname" field at "_img", take the first element only (so, the subject ID)
  select(!path) # this last line can be removed if the fil paths are not specified in the metadata table
# Preserve the order of the field names as in the table
ordered_fieldnames <- factor(json_fields$variable_name, levels = json_fields$variable_name) 

# Transform table into a list. Each element is a field name with its value(s)
json_data <- lapply(split(json_fields$variable_values, ordered_fieldnames), as.character)

# Join tables with filen ames and subject information by subject ID
metadata <- dplyr::full_join(x=files_tib, y=subj_info, by=join_by('subject'=='id'), keep=FALSE)

# write JSON files 
saveoutput <- T
for (i in 1:nrow(files_tib)) {
  # Complete Fields with info From table 
  json_data$subjectID = metadata$subject[i]
  json_data$sex = metadata$sex[i]
  json_data$condition = metadata$condition[i]
  json_data$treatment = metadata$treatment[i]
  # Convert the list to a JSON string
  json_string <- toJSON(json_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  # Save the JSON string to a file
  if (saveoutput) {
    output_fname <- gsub('\\.\\D+$','.json',metadata$img_location[i]) # rename input file
    write(json_string, file.path(output_fname))  
    print(paste0("Wrote ", file.path(output_fname)))
  # clean json 
  rm (json_string)
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